Issue 31
Vanishing Points

On the Trail of Billy Budd: An Analysis of <i>Beau travail</i>

Miguel Olea Romacho
Universidad de Granada

Published 2021-01-31


  • Adaptation,
  • Claire Denis,
  • Melville,
  • Rewriting,
  • Performativity,
  • Queer,
  • Cinema of the Body.
  • ...More


This article offers an analysis of Claire Denis’s film Beau travail (1999) as a free adaptation of Herman Melville’s classic Billy Budd. A comparative perspective is adopted to identify the specific transformations in the rewriting process, with attention to changes in focalisation and plot, as well as the film’s potential as a queer adaptation of Melville’s novella. Central to these relationships is the use of bodies, which creates a narrative that challenges both our expectations of a literary adaptation and the gender conventions of the film medium. In this way, the study finds that Beau travail is a benchmark case for defining transformative potential of adaptations.


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