Issue 16

Loyalty and Betrayal: Intermediality Between Graphic Novel and Film.

Ignacio Palau
Universitat Politècnica de València
Eugenia Rojo
Universitat de València

Published 2013-07-01


  • graphic novel,
  • comic,
  • film adaptation,
  • intermediality,
  • intertextuality,
  • paratextuality,
  • mass media
  • ...More


In the last ten years several film adaptations of graphic novels have been produced. Since their origin, the mid eighties of last century, graphic novels have been considered a privileged and prestigious format compared to comic books, generally considered forms of juvenile literature. There are different ways of addressing the encounter between both mediums and the definition of graphic novel is already a contentious issue. Some adaptations only turn to the graphic novel as a source for the development of scripts. Others represent authentic aesthetic and narrative exercises that claim to be faithful to the work from which they originate in. Thus, from the juxtaposition of both mediums new forms of expression emerge, halfway between different areas, whose boundaries sometimes are difficult to establish and that ultimately follow the demands of the market.


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MILLER, Frank (di. y g.), JANSON, Klaus (e) y VARLEY, Lynn (c) (2007). Batman: El regreso del Caballero Oscuro. Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini.

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PRINCE, Stephen (2000). The Aesthetic of Slow-Motion Violence in the Films of Sam Peckinpah. En S. Prince (ed), Screening Violence (pp.175-203). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

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