Puntos de Fuga
La maternidad contemporánea entre la catástrofe y el sacrificio. Un análisis de <em>Lo imposible</em>
Publicado 01.01.2017
Palabras clave
- Cinema,
- The Impossible,
- feminism,
- disaster,
- sacrifice.
Este texto analiza la imagen de la maternidad que se proyecta en la película española Lo imposible (The imposible, Juan Antonio Bayona, 2012) desde dos elementos contextuales diferentes: el cine de catástrofes y el estereotipo de la Mater dolorosa. En él se argumenta que la figura de la madre sacrificial responde a un momento específico de crisis económica y social donde las figuras tradicionales de la madre sacrificada y cuidadora aportan seguridad en un universo de incertidumbre generalizada.
<p>Alcalá, Mercedes (2012). Ideología y violencia sexual: el cuerpo femenino subyugado según Rubens y Cervantes. En <em>ehumanista Journal of Iberan Studies, </em>1 [online]. Recuperado de http://www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu/Cervantes/volume%201/index.shtml ISSN 1540 5877.</p><p>
Addison, Healther, Goodwin-Kelly, Mary Kate, Roth, Elaine (2009). <em>Motherhood Misconceived: Representing the Maternal in US Films. </em>Albany: SUNY Press. </p><p>
Anderson, John (2012). A will to live when the odds prove overwhelming. <em>Variety</em>. Recuperado de http://variety.com/2012/film/news/a-will-to-live-when-the-odds-prove-overwhelming-1118061969/.</p><p>
Arnold, Sarah (2013). <em>Maternal Horror Film. Melodrama and Motherhood</em>. Londres: Palgrave.</p><p>
Atienza, Belén, Augustín, Álvaro, Barrois, Ghislain, Hermida, Sandra, López Lavigne, Enrique, Ortiz de Artiñano, Jaime, Ugarte, Javier (productores) y Bayona, Juan Antonio (director). (2012). <em>Lo imposible </em>[película]. España, Estados Unidos: Apaches Entertainment, Telecinco Cinema.</p><p>
Badinter, Elisabeth (1991). ¿<em>Existe el instinto maternal? Historia del amor maternal. Siglos XVII al XX. </em>Barcelona: Paidós.</p><p>
Badinter, Elisabeth (2011). <em>La mujer y la madre.</em> Madrid: La esfera de libros.</p><p>
Belmont, Cynthia (2007). Ecofeminism and the natural disaster heroine. <em>Women’s Studies: An interdisciplinary journal</em>, 36, 349–372.</p><p>
Brandi Nicole (2010). Analyzing <em>Canadian Print Media Coverage of the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami</em>. Trabajo final de master de periodismo. Vancouver: University of British Columbia [online]. Recuperado de https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/24890/ubc_2010_spring_cowen_brandi.pdf?sequence=1.</p><p>
Boyle, Kirk (2013) The imagination of economic disaster. Eco-Catastrophe films of the Great Recession. En K. Boyle y D. Mrozowski (eds), <em>The Great Recession in Fiction, Film, and Television</em>. Lanham: Lexington Books (Kindle edition). </p><p>
Borah, Porismita (2009). Comparing visual framing in newspapers: Hurricane Katrina Versus Tsunami. <em>Newspaper Research Journal</em>, 30, 1. </p><p>
Brockway, Robert W. (1993). <em>Myth from the Ice Age to Mickey Mouse</em>. Albany: SUNY Press. </p><p>
Butler, Judith (2004). <em>Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence.</em> Nueva York: Verso.</p><p>
Childs, Merilyn, (2006). Not Through Women’s Eyes: Photo-essays and the Construction of a Gendered Tsunami Disaster. <em>Disaster Prevention and Management</em>, 15, 1: 1, 202–212.</p><p>
Cirlot, Juan E. (2004<em>). Diccionario de símbolos</em>. Madrid: Siruela.</p><p>
Chodorow, Nancy (1984). <em>El ejercicio de la maternidad</em>. Barcelona: Gedisa.</p><p>
Douglas, Susan, Michaels, Meredith (2004). <em>The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undetermined Women</em>.Nueva York: Free Press.</p><p>
Eyer, Diane E. (1995). <em>Vinculación madre-hijo: una ficción científica</em>. Barcelona: Herder.</p><p>
Faludi, Susan (2009). <em>La pesadilla terrorista. Miedo y fantasía en Estados Unidos después del 11-S</em>. Barcelona: Anagrama.</p><p>
Faludi, Susan (1991). <em>Reacción. La guerra no declarada contra la mujer moderna</em>. Barcelona: Anagrama.</p><p>
Filger, Sheldon (2012). Global Economic Crisis 2012, <em>Huffington Post. </em>Recuperado de http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sheldon-filger/global-economic-crisis-2012_b_1179740.html.</p><p>
Fisher, Lucy (1996). <em>Cinematernity: Film, Motherhood, Genre. </em>Princeton: Princeton University Press.</p><p>
Friedan, Betty (2009). <em>La mística de la feminidad</em>. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra</p><p>
Freasey, Rebeca (2012). Absent, Ineffectual and Intoxicated Mothers: Representing the maternal in teen television. <em>Feminist Media Studies</em>, 12, 1, 156-159.</p><p>
Gallagher, Mark (2009), “Be Patient, Dear Mother… Wait for me”. The neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema. <em>Feminist Media Studies, </em>9, 2, 209-225.</p><p>
Galtung, Johan, Mari Ruge, Holmboe (1965). The Structure of Foreign News. The presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus Crises in Four Norwegian Newspapers. <em>Journal of International Peace Research</em>, 2, 1: 64-90.</p><p>
Gilligan, Carol (2008). <em>Une voix diferente</em>. París: Flammarion.</p><p>
Gokay, Bulent (2012). UK Economy Falls into Double-Dip Recession. <em>Global Research</em>. Recuperado de http://www.globalresearch.ca/uk-economy-falls-into-double-dip-recession/5313842.</p><p>
González, Carlos (2003). <em>Bésame mucho: cómo criar a tus hijos con amor</em>. Bacelona: Temas de Hoy.</p><p>
Hays, Sharon (1998). <em>Las condiciones culturales de la maternidad</em>. Barcelona: Paidós.</p><p>
Hanson, Helen (2006). Disaster Movies. En: L. R. Williams, M. Hammond (eds.), <em>Contemporary American Cinema</em>. New York: Open University Press. </p><p>
Hyndman Jennifer (2008). Feminism, Conflict and Disasters in Post-tsunami Sri Lanka. <em>Gender Technology and Development</em>, 12, 1, 101-121.</p><p>
Hoberman, James L. (2003). <em>The Magic Hour: Film at Fin de Siècle</em>. Filadelfia: Temple University Press. </p><p>
Horkheimer, Max, Adorno<em>, </em>Theodor W. (2002). <em>Dialectic of Enlightenment filosofical fragments. Redwood City: </em>Stanford University Press.</p><p>
Hormigos Vaquero, Montserrat (2010). La casa maldita y la escena primaria<em>. L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos</em>, 9, 86-92.</p><p>
Jameson, Fredric (1979). Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture. <em>Social Text</em>, 1, 130-148.</p><p>
Jung, Carl Gustav (2002). <em>Arquetipos e inconsciente colectivo</em>. Madrid: Trotta.</p><p>
Kaplan, E. Ann (1992). <em>Motherhood and Representation: The Mother in Popular Culture and Melodrama</em>. Nueva York: Routledge.</p><p>
Kennedy, Kathleen, Lorenz, Robert, Marshall, Frank, Moore, Tim, Morgan, Peter, Spielberg, Steven, Bernard, John (productores), Eastwood, Clint (productor y director). (2011). <em>Más allá de la vida</em> (<em>Hereafter)</em> [película]. Estados Unidos: Warner Bros. Pictures, Malpaso Productions, The Kennedy, Marshall Company.</p><p>
Lakoff, George, Johnson, Mark (1986). <em>Las metáforas en las que vivimos</em>. Madrid: Catedra.</p><p>
Leonhardt, David (2012). Coming Soon: “Taxmageddon”. <em>The New York Times</em>. Recuperado de http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/15/sunday-review/coming-soon-taxmageddon.html.</p><p>
Matchar, Emily (2013<em>). Homeward Bound. Why Women Are Embracing the New Domesticity</em>. Nueva York: Simon & Schuster.</p><p>
Malik, Shiv, Barr, Caelainn, Holpuch, Amanda (2016). US Millennials Feel More Working Class Than Any Other Generation. <em>The Guardia</em>n. Recuperado de https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/15/us-millennials-feel-more-working-class-than-any-other-generation.</p><p>
McCormick, Adrienne (2010). Supermothers on Film: or Maternal Melodrama in the Twenty-fist Century. En A. O’Reilly (Ed.), <em>Centry Motherhood: Experience, Identity, Policy, Agency</em>. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.</p><p>
Morin, Rich, Kochhar, Rakesh (2014). Despite recovery, fewer Americans identify as middle class. <em>Pew Research Center</em>. Recuperado de http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/09/10/a-third-of-americans-now-say-they-are-in-the-lower-classes/.</p><p>
Morin, Rich, Motel, Seth (2012). A Third of Americans Now Say They Are in the Lower Classes. <em>Pew Research Center</em>. Recuperado de http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/09/10/a-third-of-americans-now-say-they-are-in-the-lower-classes/.</p><p>
MPAA (2012), <em>Theatrical market statistics 2012</em>. Recuperado de http://www.mpaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2012-Theatrical-Market-Statistics-Report.pdf.</p><p>
Murthy, Dhiraj (2011). New Media and Natural Disasters, Blogs and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. <em>Information, Communication & Society</em>, 16, 7, 1–17.</p><p>
Ryan Michael, Kellnerm Douglas (1990). <em>Camera Politica: The Politics and Ideology of Contemporary Hollywood Film</em>. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.</p><p>
Rosenberg, Jerry M. (2012). <em>The Concise Encyclopedia of The Great Recession 2007-2012</em>. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press.</p><p>
Rubin, Miri (2009). <em>Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary</em>. New Haven: Yale University Press.</p><p>
Schechter, Harold (1980). <em>The New Gods: Psyche and Symbol in Popular Art</em>. Madison: Popular Press.</p><p>
Skelton, Tracey (2006). Representations of the “Asian Tsunami” in the British Media. <em>Asian MetaCentre Research Paper Series</em>, University of Singapore. Recuperado de http://www.populationasia.org/Publications/RP/AMCRP21.pdf.</p><p>
Siebert Kawakami, H., Thombre, A. (2006) The Evolving Genre of “Our Lady of Guadalupe”: A Feminist Analysis. <em>Texas Speech Communication Journal</em>, 30, 2, 121-133.</p><p>
Sontag, Susan (2004). <em>Ante el dolor de los demás</em>. Madrid: Santillana.</p><p>
Sontag, Susan (2007).<em> Contra la interpretación y otros ensayos</em>. Madrid: Debolsillo.</p><p>
Thornton, Davi (2014). Transformations of the Ideal Mother: The Story of Mommy Economicus and Her Amazing Brain. <em>Women’s Studies in Communication, </em>37, 271-291. </p><p>
Tunzelmann, Alex Von (2012). The Impossible submerges the true impact of the tsunami. <em>The Guardian</em>. Recuperado de https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2013/jan/03/reel-history-the-impossible.</p><p>
Walters, Suzannna Danuta, Harrison, Laura (2014). Aberrant mothers in contemporary culture. <em>Feminist Media Studies</em>, 14, 1, 38-55.</p><p>
Warner, Judith (2005). <em>Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety</em>. Nueva York: Riverhead.</p><p>
Weissmann, Jordan (2012). Eurogeddon: A Worst-Case Scenario Handbook for the European Debt Crisis. <em>The Atlantic</em>. Recuperado de http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/eurogeddon-a-worst-case-scenario-handbook-for-the-european-debt-crisis/258368/.</p><p>
Whitney, Allison (2007). Race, Class and the Pressure to Pass in American Maternal Melodrama: The Case of Stella Dallas. <em>Journal of Film and Video, </em>59.1, 3-18.</p><p>
Wright, Terence (2002). Moving Images: The Media Representation of Refugees. <em>Visual Studies</em>, 17, 1, 53-66.</p><p>
Žižek, Slavoj (2007). A Pervert’s Guide to Family. Recuperado de http://www.lacan.com/zizfamily.htm.</p>
Addison, Healther, Goodwin-Kelly, Mary Kate, Roth, Elaine (2009). <em>Motherhood Misconceived: Representing the Maternal in US Films. </em>Albany: SUNY Press. </p><p>
Anderson, John (2012). A will to live when the odds prove overwhelming. <em>Variety</em>. Recuperado de http://variety.com/2012/film/news/a-will-to-live-when-the-odds-prove-overwhelming-1118061969/.</p><p>
Arnold, Sarah (2013). <em>Maternal Horror Film. Melodrama and Motherhood</em>. Londres: Palgrave.</p><p>
Atienza, Belén, Augustín, Álvaro, Barrois, Ghislain, Hermida, Sandra, López Lavigne, Enrique, Ortiz de Artiñano, Jaime, Ugarte, Javier (productores) y Bayona, Juan Antonio (director). (2012). <em>Lo imposible </em>[película]. España, Estados Unidos: Apaches Entertainment, Telecinco Cinema.</p><p>
Badinter, Elisabeth (1991). ¿<em>Existe el instinto maternal? Historia del amor maternal. Siglos XVII al XX. </em>Barcelona: Paidós.</p><p>
Badinter, Elisabeth (2011). <em>La mujer y la madre.</em> Madrid: La esfera de libros.</p><p>
Belmont, Cynthia (2007). Ecofeminism and the natural disaster heroine. <em>Women’s Studies: An interdisciplinary journal</em>, 36, 349–372.</p><p>
Brandi Nicole (2010). Analyzing <em>Canadian Print Media Coverage of the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami</em>. Trabajo final de master de periodismo. Vancouver: University of British Columbia [online]. Recuperado de https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/24890/ubc_2010_spring_cowen_brandi.pdf?sequence=1.</p><p>
Boyle, Kirk (2013) The imagination of economic disaster. Eco-Catastrophe films of the Great Recession. En K. Boyle y D. Mrozowski (eds), <em>The Great Recession in Fiction, Film, and Television</em>. Lanham: Lexington Books (Kindle edition). </p><p>
Borah, Porismita (2009). Comparing visual framing in newspapers: Hurricane Katrina Versus Tsunami. <em>Newspaper Research Journal</em>, 30, 1. </p><p>
Brockway, Robert W. (1993). <em>Myth from the Ice Age to Mickey Mouse</em>. Albany: SUNY Press. </p><p>
Butler, Judith (2004). <em>Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence.</em> Nueva York: Verso.</p><p>
Childs, Merilyn, (2006). Not Through Women’s Eyes: Photo-essays and the Construction of a Gendered Tsunami Disaster. <em>Disaster Prevention and Management</em>, 15, 1: 1, 202–212.</p><p>
Cirlot, Juan E. (2004<em>). Diccionario de símbolos</em>. Madrid: Siruela.</p><p>
Chodorow, Nancy (1984). <em>El ejercicio de la maternidad</em>. Barcelona: Gedisa.</p><p>
Douglas, Susan, Michaels, Meredith (2004). <em>The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undetermined Women</em>.Nueva York: Free Press.</p><p>
Eyer, Diane E. (1995). <em>Vinculación madre-hijo: una ficción científica</em>. Barcelona: Herder.</p><p>
Faludi, Susan (2009). <em>La pesadilla terrorista. Miedo y fantasía en Estados Unidos después del 11-S</em>. Barcelona: Anagrama.</p><p>
Faludi, Susan (1991). <em>Reacción. La guerra no declarada contra la mujer moderna</em>. Barcelona: Anagrama.</p><p>
Filger, Sheldon (2012). Global Economic Crisis 2012, <em>Huffington Post. </em>Recuperado de http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sheldon-filger/global-economic-crisis-2012_b_1179740.html.</p><p>
Fisher, Lucy (1996). <em>Cinematernity: Film, Motherhood, Genre. </em>Princeton: Princeton University Press.</p><p>
Friedan, Betty (2009). <em>La mística de la feminidad</em>. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra</p><p>
Freasey, Rebeca (2012). Absent, Ineffectual and Intoxicated Mothers: Representing the maternal in teen television. <em>Feminist Media Studies</em>, 12, 1, 156-159.</p><p>
Gallagher, Mark (2009), “Be Patient, Dear Mother… Wait for me”. The neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema. <em>Feminist Media Studies, </em>9, 2, 209-225.</p><p>
Galtung, Johan, Mari Ruge, Holmboe (1965). The Structure of Foreign News. The presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus Crises in Four Norwegian Newspapers. <em>Journal of International Peace Research</em>, 2, 1: 64-90.</p><p>
Gilligan, Carol (2008). <em>Une voix diferente</em>. París: Flammarion.</p><p>
Gokay, Bulent (2012). UK Economy Falls into Double-Dip Recession. <em>Global Research</em>. Recuperado de http://www.globalresearch.ca/uk-economy-falls-into-double-dip-recession/5313842.</p><p>
González, Carlos (2003). <em>Bésame mucho: cómo criar a tus hijos con amor</em>. Bacelona: Temas de Hoy.</p><p>
Hays, Sharon (1998). <em>Las condiciones culturales de la maternidad</em>. Barcelona: Paidós.</p><p>
Hanson, Helen (2006). Disaster Movies. En: L. R. Williams, M. Hammond (eds.), <em>Contemporary American Cinema</em>. New York: Open University Press. </p><p>
Hyndman Jennifer (2008). Feminism, Conflict and Disasters in Post-tsunami Sri Lanka. <em>Gender Technology and Development</em>, 12, 1, 101-121.</p><p>
Hoberman, James L. (2003). <em>The Magic Hour: Film at Fin de Siècle</em>. Filadelfia: Temple University Press. </p><p>
Horkheimer, Max, Adorno<em>, </em>Theodor W. (2002). <em>Dialectic of Enlightenment filosofical fragments. Redwood City: </em>Stanford University Press.</p><p>
Hormigos Vaquero, Montserrat (2010). La casa maldita y la escena primaria<em>. L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos</em>, 9, 86-92.</p><p>
Jameson, Fredric (1979). Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture. <em>Social Text</em>, 1, 130-148.</p><p>
Jung, Carl Gustav (2002). <em>Arquetipos e inconsciente colectivo</em>. Madrid: Trotta.</p><p>
Kaplan, E. Ann (1992). <em>Motherhood and Representation: The Mother in Popular Culture and Melodrama</em>. Nueva York: Routledge.</p><p>
Kennedy, Kathleen, Lorenz, Robert, Marshall, Frank, Moore, Tim, Morgan, Peter, Spielberg, Steven, Bernard, John (productores), Eastwood, Clint (productor y director). (2011). <em>Más allá de la vida</em> (<em>Hereafter)</em> [película]. Estados Unidos: Warner Bros. Pictures, Malpaso Productions, The Kennedy, Marshall Company.</p><p>
Lakoff, George, Johnson, Mark (1986). <em>Las metáforas en las que vivimos</em>. Madrid: Catedra.</p><p>
Leonhardt, David (2012). Coming Soon: “Taxmageddon”. <em>The New York Times</em>. Recuperado de http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/15/sunday-review/coming-soon-taxmageddon.html.</p><p>
Matchar, Emily (2013<em>). Homeward Bound. Why Women Are Embracing the New Domesticity</em>. Nueva York: Simon & Schuster.</p><p>
Malik, Shiv, Barr, Caelainn, Holpuch, Amanda (2016). US Millennials Feel More Working Class Than Any Other Generation. <em>The Guardia</em>n. Recuperado de https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/15/us-millennials-feel-more-working-class-than-any-other-generation.</p><p>
McCormick, Adrienne (2010). Supermothers on Film: or Maternal Melodrama in the Twenty-fist Century. En A. O’Reilly (Ed.), <em>Centry Motherhood: Experience, Identity, Policy, Agency</em>. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.</p><p>
Morin, Rich, Kochhar, Rakesh (2014). Despite recovery, fewer Americans identify as middle class. <em>Pew Research Center</em>. Recuperado de http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/09/10/a-third-of-americans-now-say-they-are-in-the-lower-classes/.</p><p>
Morin, Rich, Motel, Seth (2012). A Third of Americans Now Say They Are in the Lower Classes. <em>Pew Research Center</em>. Recuperado de http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/09/10/a-third-of-americans-now-say-they-are-in-the-lower-classes/.</p><p>
MPAA (2012), <em>Theatrical market statistics 2012</em>. Recuperado de http://www.mpaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2012-Theatrical-Market-Statistics-Report.pdf.</p><p>
Murthy, Dhiraj (2011). New Media and Natural Disasters, Blogs and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. <em>Information, Communication & Society</em>, 16, 7, 1–17.</p><p>
Ryan Michael, Kellnerm Douglas (1990). <em>Camera Politica: The Politics and Ideology of Contemporary Hollywood Film</em>. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.</p><p>
Rosenberg, Jerry M. (2012). <em>The Concise Encyclopedia of The Great Recession 2007-2012</em>. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press.</p><p>
Rubin, Miri (2009). <em>Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary</em>. New Haven: Yale University Press.</p><p>
Schechter, Harold (1980). <em>The New Gods: Psyche and Symbol in Popular Art</em>. Madison: Popular Press.</p><p>
Skelton, Tracey (2006). Representations of the “Asian Tsunami” in the British Media. <em>Asian MetaCentre Research Paper Series</em>, University of Singapore. Recuperado de http://www.populationasia.org/Publications/RP/AMCRP21.pdf.</p><p>
Siebert Kawakami, H., Thombre, A. (2006) The Evolving Genre of “Our Lady of Guadalupe”: A Feminist Analysis. <em>Texas Speech Communication Journal</em>, 30, 2, 121-133.</p><p>
Sontag, Susan (2004). <em>Ante el dolor de los demás</em>. Madrid: Santillana.</p><p>
Sontag, Susan (2007).<em> Contra la interpretación y otros ensayos</em>. Madrid: Debolsillo.</p><p>
Thornton, Davi (2014). Transformations of the Ideal Mother: The Story of Mommy Economicus and Her Amazing Brain. <em>Women’s Studies in Communication, </em>37, 271-291. </p><p>
Tunzelmann, Alex Von (2012). The Impossible submerges the true impact of the tsunami. <em>The Guardian</em>. Recuperado de https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2013/jan/03/reel-history-the-impossible.</p><p>
Walters, Suzannna Danuta, Harrison, Laura (2014). Aberrant mothers in contemporary culture. <em>Feminist Media Studies</em>, 14, 1, 38-55.</p><p>
Warner, Judith (2005). <em>Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety</em>. Nueva York: Riverhead.</p><p>
Weissmann, Jordan (2012). Eurogeddon: A Worst-Case Scenario Handbook for the European Debt Crisis. <em>The Atlantic</em>. Recuperado de http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/eurogeddon-a-worst-case-scenario-handbook-for-the-european-debt-crisis/258368/.</p><p>
Whitney, Allison (2007). Race, Class and the Pressure to Pass in American Maternal Melodrama: The Case of Stella Dallas. <em>Journal of Film and Video, </em>59.1, 3-18.</p><p>
Wright, Terence (2002). Moving Images: The Media Representation of Refugees. <em>Visual Studies</em>, 17, 1, 53-66.</p><p>
Žižek, Slavoj (2007). A Pervert’s Guide to Family. Recuperado de http://www.lacan.com/zizfamily.htm.</p>