Issue 31

The Devil of Emotional Gameplay is in the Details. Microanalysis of Affective Complexity Scenarios in Video Games

Óliver Pérez-Latorre
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Published 2021-01-30


  • Video games,
  • Complexity,
  • Emotion,
  • Microanalysis,
  • Experience.


This article offers an exploration and conceptualisation of emotionally complex scenarios in video games, taking an approach based on the textual analysis of video games, the cognitive theory of the spectator’s emotional experience, and film microanalysis. From this theoretical and methodological perspective, emotionally complex scenarios in video games are examined as brief scenes or sequences in a given video game, which tend to elicit an affective experience characterised by unique emotional combinations or tensions. To explain this experience, I propose a micro-analysis of the ludic and narrative design of the scene and the interactions between these two dimensions, without overlooking the importance of the mise-en-scène and visual composition.


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