Número 7

The evolution of katsudô shashin benshi

Published 2008-12-01


  • history,
  • katsudô shashin benshi,
  • silent films,
  • narration,
  • Japan


This article draws a chronological map where the most prominent benshi in Japan cinematographic history are highlighted. It shows the evolution of benshi from the appearance of cinema until today, stopping at every milestone in the way and making reference to their predecessors in oral tradition, before cinema entered the scene. Thus, narrators like Hoteiken Ueda, Koyo Komada, Saburo Somei, Musei Tokogawa or Raiyu Ikoma are mentioned, among others. Also, it is explained how they influenced the very evolution of cinema within their own country, lengthening the prevalence of tradition at the beginning and promoting silent films and awareness about their profession nowadays.