Issue 21

From the First World War to the present: History and Memory, a Century for Reflection

Ramón Girona
Universitat de Girona
Imma Merino
Universitat de Girona Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Maximiliano Fuentes
Universitat de Girona
Miguel Morey
Universitat de Barcelona
Jordi Font Agulló
Museu Memorial de l’Exili (La Jonquera-España)
Javier Cercas Mena
Xavier Antich Valero
Universitat de Girona
Carmen Castillo Echeverría
Escritora y documentalista cinematográfica
Mireia Llorens Ruiz
Ajuntament de Banyoles

Published 2016-01-01


  • History,
  • Memory,
  • First World War,
  • Commemorations,
  • Memory tourism.


Taking the First World War and the commemoration of its centenary as a starting point, this article/questionnaire offers a reflection on the past in the broadest sense, on the uses of history and memory, or memories, and their use by the most diverse groups; from their appropriation by power —or powers— in an attempt to offer an official history that legitimizes it in the public eye and perpetuates it, to their utilization by those who do not support the powers that be and develop narratives of resistance and reparation. The article also reflects on the uses of history and memory as a cultural or consumer product, the consequence of a commemorative obsession in Western societies, and the perhaps inevitable conversion of many of the sites of memory into tourist attractions.


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Todorov, Tzvetan (2000). <em>Los abusos de la memoria. </em>Barcelona: Paidós.<br />
Traverso, Enzo (2006), <em>Els usos del passat. Història, memòria, política, </em>Valencia: Universitat de València. <br />
<strong>—</strong> (2008), <em>De la memòria i el seu ús crític, </em>Barcelona: Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya.</p>